jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Layer 0.6: Keep Moving Forward? No Thanks Bro (Warning nothing makes sense here)

Why I will want to do a postgrad? I mean what the fuck dude? My only plan was to finish the journalism career, lay down and work until I’m dead. It was going to work very fine. Even the dead it was going to be great with a Kalashnikov, Serbian bitches and a Purple Tiger named Gracilda-Chan.
Future Projections : With a lot of bobbies
But whatever the only consideration that I could make will be studying a hyper mega deluxe specialization in some kind of investigative journalism of some kind (Maybe journalism in Alvaro Salas now that is my dad and of all of Chile I guess) Maybe I will going to study to a country (Uzbekistan?) that have very tax lax so I can be a Youtuber (That plays FORTNITE 2) apart of the postgrad.
Living the life Baby
Or maybe I can study some other career like cock fights or the sweet enterprise of opium traffic, the CIA have some sweet offer in Afghanistan in crime wars and black operations.
Anyways that study has to be part time because I am busy man and I have shit to write.

Now thats what i call postgraduate studies.
Maybe I will wait when I have money (A lot of money) and a Yacht (That I will  call “We Live in Society IV”) before doing any of that.
First this and then i will do the postgrad
To be sincere i dont really know what i want to do after the career so i have being doing  a lot of shitposting to deal with this existential dread in this post. So in the case plans are not in consideration yet so for the moment the only thing I want right now is a refreshing Sprite Drink. 
And glass JGM with the help of Nyarlathothep but that can wait.


6 comentarios:

  1. i dont thing in study a postgraduate course nor yet

  2. I would like to die in the exact same way dude hahaha Maybe in the future it will exist a shitposting postgraduate course. You never know!


  3. we will all die working, down the neoliberal system :(

  4. Journalism in Alvaro Salas is a good option, sounds nice
