jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Layer 0.5 : Job and slavery

Well…. I don’t want to be a shop clerk that’s one thing for sure. I reality what I want to do is being a TV or internet journalist that work creating audiovisual content to the masses. I will like a lot if this job led me travel a lot, going to a war zone (and died) or some strange place (like Uzbekistan UWU) learning more about this weird planet. I expected to be an outdoor and indoor job, working only in a office I will ve very boring and for that I have my free time wasting my live. I expecting gain half a million? I don’t know It depends of how kind are my future employees, maybe I can surpass the million itself…that will be cool, or I will die homeless that also will be…not so cool. I don’t expect to take any mayor, maybe a specialization on investigative journalism so I can have a way better salary that what I expect to have (in practice you ear 100.000 CLP so go figure). The channels that I expect work on are Mega or CNN but if in near future some new awesome media network is created in the internet I will not refrain for that option.

Anyway wait I wanted to say is that I don’t want to die poor.

10 comentarios:

  1. In my practice they paid me $ 100.000, and I worked a lot :(

  2. OMG! Would you like to die in war? hahaha I hope you work in CNN, is my favorite channel.

  3. $100.000 for a practice? how cruelty is this world. I like a lot CNN, I think is one of the best channels in Chile

  4. Sorry, I posted out of my account lol:

    $100.000 for a practice? how cruelty is this world. I like a lot CNN, I think is one of the best channels in Chile

  5. F@ck! hahaha now I think it would be the one ok lol sorry

    $100.000 for a practice? how cruelty is this world. I like a lot CNN, I think is one of the best channels in Chile

  6. I think you should reconsider being a shop clerk

  7. I hope you could work in something like that, good luck!


  8. I study cinema and I think I will also die like a homeless :(

  9. A bold guy. "War zones", I like it. I hope that you do a report about "Israel doesn't a legitimate State".
