jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

Layer 0.3: Of Wolves and Machine Guns

So Japan exits the Second World War with two nukes in his ass , a German occupation (with kuchen) and guerrillas in the streets , how do you solve this problem?
A U T H O R I T A R I A N   D E A T H   S Q U A D S

This is Jin-Roh
Fornite was never better

A depressed member of the Kerberos Corps (Fuze) finds love in a woman who claims be the sister of a commie (Because she wears red XDXDXD) girl that he saw make KABOOM in front of himself during a bad operation in the sewers of Japan. 


Will this member of a Death Squad maintain a stable relationship with someone for once in his life or he will always be a wolf chasing a red riding hood?

(There is lot of symbolism with red riding hood, you are warned)

Its not a exaggeration

This movie have fantastic animations, political thriller, gun porn (that machine guns *Italian kiss*), a cool armor, awesome artwork, a lot of violence , mystery, cynicism and tragedy romance. 

And a Great Soundtrack.

I like movies like this, action thrillers (not so fast not so slow) particularly with a bit of science fiction, also with a lot of gray morality so I can be an edgelord.
Santiago 2018

The last movie I saw was Pretty Woman (LONG LIVE JULIA ROBERTS) and it was for Ossa class so take that like you will.


jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

Layer 0.2: Mickey is not real moron

Okey my niggas let round up to tell you the tale of why Walt Disney World is a very funny place where the hot of swamp of Orlando is replaced by fat gringos complaining about Donald Turmp in a magic show with robot pirates.
That shit was wild dude 
My family (one mom, two brothers) decided to GTFO of Chile during national holidays because and I quote: “cueca are for pussies” and instead going one week to the happiest place of Earth: My guns deale…Disneyland, er Walt Disney World of Orlando. 4 amusement parks (Mostly because Epcot is like the MIN but with doping) to have fun.
The game is that you are the Golf Ball , and then you die of an aneurysm
We rode a lot of rollercoasters, we ate food that is bad for my health (thanks Coca-Cola) and we saw real animal and fake animals that destroy the purpose of the first one. It was fun, and also I was capable to talk with the natives about gringo things, like oil and donuts. That explains the obesity.
Mcdonald was better in Chile 

And then we were to Universal Studios and discover that Mickey Mouse was nothing compared to the Incredible Hulk Rollercoaster, that shit was violent. I like violence.


The lesson here is that going to a park in the U.S can be very funny. And also it was a very unique experience that have vacations in Algarrobo (corny)

And that’s it.



The End

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Layer 0.1 : Uzbekistan Start wit UZUZ UwU

Aladdin would be fucking proud

So where to go as a journalist?

Oh boy that is an interesting question isn’t? But what better country that Uzbekistan? Or Grand Bukhara during the “good times” (Long live the Tsar). Located in Central Asia an forming part of the family of countries that ends in “-an” like Afghanistan of Turkmenistan, it was formed after the fall of the URSS (Thanks Gorbachov ) 

You are welcome motherfu....

A nice and warm country where corrupted state enterprise have control of the means of production , living up to the legacy of the Silk Road that cross that country in the times when Marco Polo was playing Zelda in the whole continent , having a nice quantity of farm lands and lot of fucking Uranium being sold to Uncle Sam YAY . This country also have the biggest army of Central Asia so that will explain his friendship with “Murica” if you consider that eagle country have given Uzbekistan a ton of cash to finance his soldier toys.  

"Should be you know , killing muslims  in Afghanistan?"

"We are not gringos SukalimSukalomgo"

"Hey thats racist Ukeltotico Michael Jackson"

"Globalization is a hell of a bitch eh"

They have some denounces of torture being put by the UN but as Chilean that will come like no shock to me, either way it will a nice place to denounce as a journalist and maybe being kill in some Black site and have my name put in the Auditorium of ICEI (suck it Jose Carrasco) .


So yeah, Uzbekistan, did you know that country even exist?

Jesus modern art is out of control, eh fellas?